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Goloviznin Vasiliy Mikhailovich

Doctor of Science, Professor.

Born on March 8, 1950, in the town of Aldan of Yakut Region.

In 1967, he graduated from school No. 2 of the town Vyatskie Polyany of the Kirov Region. In the same year, he entered the Physical and Quantum Electronics Faculty of MIPT. At the 3rd year of education he transferred to the newly formed Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics. He graduated in 1973 and was stydying in post-graduate school (1973–1976).

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (1977), the dissertation title: «Methods of numerical solution of some 2D problems of hydrodynamics» (scientific supervisor A.A. Samarskii). Doctor of Science (1987), the dissertation title: «Variation-difference models of continuum medium in gas dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics». Academic title - Professor (1991).

Member of the Scientific Council of the Nuclear Safety Institute, of three dissertation councils and several scientific advice boards on numerical methods and continuum mechanics in the department of Russian Academy of Sciences and scientific organizations of "Rosatom". Member of the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. He was awarded the medal "For rescue of perishing" (1997).

Read more: Goloviznin Vasiliy Mikhailovich

Gulin Alexey Vladimirovich

26.03.1942 - 27.03.2015

Professor, Head of the chair of computational methods  of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of MSU.

He was born on March 26, 1942, in the town of Busuluk of the Orenburg region.

In 1959, he graduated from school No. 1 of the town of Ryazhsk of the Ryazan region. In 1964 he graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University. He was a post-graduate student in the chair of computational mathematics (1964-1967).

He defended his dissertation of candidate of physico-mathematical sciences is 1969, the title: "On the stability of multi-layer difference schemes" (supervisor A.A. Samarskii). Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1980), title: "Stability of nonselfadjoint difference schemes." Academic title - Professor (1985).

Distinguished Professor of Moscow State University (2001). Honorary Worker of Higher and Secondary Education of the Russian Federation (2005).

A member of a specialized council D.053.05.37. A member of the editorial board of "Differential Equations" journal.

Read more: Gulin Alexey Vladimirovich