Gulin Alexey Vladimirovich

26.03.1942 - 27.03.2015

Professor, Head of the chair of computational methods  of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of MSU.

He was born on March 26, 1942, in the town of Busuluk of the Orenburg region.

In 1959, he graduated from school No. 1 of the town of Ryazhsk of the Ryazan region. In 1964 he graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University. He was a post-graduate student in the chair of computational mathematics (1964-1967).

He defended his dissertation of candidate of physico-mathematical sciences is 1969, the title: "On the stability of multi-layer difference schemes" (supervisor A.A. Samarskii). Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1980), title: "Stability of nonselfadjoint difference schemes." Academic title - Professor (1985).

Distinguished Professor of Moscow State University (2001). Honorary Worker of Higher and Secondary Education of the Russian Federation (2005).

A member of a specialized council D.053.05.37. A member of the editorial board of "Differential Equations" journal.

After finishing post-graduate school, he was sent via the distribution of young professionals  to work in the Institute of Cybernetics of Academy of Science of Ukraine (Kiev), where he worked as a research assistant in 1968-1969. From 1969 to 1986 he worked at the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the USSR, since 1976 - as a senior researcher.

In the Moscow State University he works since 1970. Since 1986 - Professor, since 2008 - head of the chair of computational methods at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics.

Research interests of A.V. Gulin are connected with the study of numerical methods for solving problems of mathematical physics and, in particular, with the theory of the stability of difference schemes.

In papers devoted to the study of the stability of difference schemes he solved major topical problems of the theory of numerical methods. He obtained, in particular, the criteria for the stability of nonselfadjoint two-layer and three-layer difference schemes of the general form, addressed the specific applications of the difference problem. The results in the stability theory of difference schemes have been used in the application areas such as numerical methods for problems of filtration, thermal conductivity, gas dynamics, the theory of elasticity.

In recent years, the studies of A.V. Gulin intensively developed the theory of difference schemes with nonlocal boundary conditions. The necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for stability of the initial data in a specially constructed energy norm. For symmetrizable difference schemes, he obtained the stability criteria that are not related to the selection of the norm. On the basis of the proposed theory he developed computational algorithms to build the stability boundaries of the multiparameter difference schemes.

Another series of studies of A.V. Gulin relates to the construction and theoretical verification of numerical methods for solving eigenvalue problems for differential equations. Of particular note is the work devoted to the solution of eigenvalue problems with nonlinear dependence of the spectral parameter in which the A.V. Gulin and his disciples offered new and original methods and solved a number of important applications. The developed methods have been used to solve specific problems in the areas of continuum mechanics, plasma physics, electron beams, the theory of shells.

A.V. Gulin reads in MSU a general course "Introduction to Numerical Methods" and other courses. The developed course of numerical methods as the basis for other courses for students of various specializations is widely used in the teaching process at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics.

He prepared 11 candidates of science.

He is the author of more than 130 scientific works, including monographs and textbooks. Main publications:

Stability of difference schemes - Nauka, Moscow, 1973 (co-author Samarskii A.A.);

Numerical methods - Nauka, Moscow, 1989 (co-author Samarskii A.A.);

Numerical methods of mathematical physics - Moscow, Scientific World, 2000 (co-author Samarskii A.A.);

Stability nonlocal difference schemes - M., 2008 (co-author Ionkin N.I., Morozova V.A.)