Opening of a memorial plaque in memory of A.A. Samarskii on February 19, 2019.
On February 19, 2019, the grand opening of a memorial plaque in memory of the outstanding scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Andreevich Samarskii took place. The board is installed on the facade of the building of the M.V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, where Samarskii worked until 2008. The courtyard of his native institute was filled by the relatives and friends of Alexander Andreevich, colleagues and students, all those who remember and respect the scientist, appreciate his contribution to mathematical science.
Academician Boris Chetverushkin, the scientific director of the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, recalled the life of the scientist and his scientific search. Alexander Samarskii was interested in both the exact sciences and the humanities, but devoted his life to mathematical knowledge. “Today, on such a sunny day, we gathered for the opening of a memorial plaque in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Andreevich Samarskii. He was always not indifferent to what was happening around him. During the war years, Alexander Andreevich, despite being exempt from conscription, enlisted in the military militia. Thanks to Alexander Andreevich, the foundations of applied mathematics were laid. Alexander Samarskii had an incredible pedagogical talent. His enthusiasm, his knowledge amazed everyone. And it was no coincidence that he became the organizer of schools for young scientists. Alexander Andreevich was one in three persons - as a great scientist, as a defender of the homeland and as a great teacher. We will continue his work for the good of our country. "
Aide to the President of Russia Andrei Fursenko was one of the students of the Samarskii school and fondly remembered the outstanding scientist. "Alexander Andreevich was a great teacher. The Samarskii school, which gathered people from all over the Soviet Union, who retained the attitude to mathematics that Alexander Andreevich considered the most important for himself, for science and for the country. He was a fan of science and took it very seriously." , - said Andrey Fursenko.
Academician of RAS Vladimir Fortov spoke about the great interest of Alexander Samarskii in various sciences, which he considered in unity. This was reflected in his writings, books, where great importance was given to meaning rather than dry theories. "Landau, who loved to give assessments to his colleagues, academicians, said that if an academician is remembered ten years after his departure, then he is undoubtedly an outstanding academician. Today, exactly ten years later, we see how we miss this wonderful person, scientist, personality, a man who devoted his whole life to his homeland, serving science, serving people. "
Writer and journalist Vladimir Gubarev expressed his gratitude to those present at the ceremony. "I wanted to thank you for remembering academician Samarskii, that you do not forget him, because this is the most important thing. Samarskii belongs to the galaxy of those people who saved the country, and we exist today thanks to their work."
Ateya Tashevna, with whom Alexander Samarskii lived for 56 years, made a touching speech about life with the great scientist and thanked everyone who remembers him for a long time. "On behalf of the family, I thank all those present who today honored the memory of Alexander Andreyevich. He was very gentle, responsive and attentive in life. He never took anything for granted - he was grateful for everything and treated everything with humor."